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Fees & Rebates

  • You are eligible to get rebates from Medicare/Private Insurance Funds if you have GP/Psychiatrists' referrals. SEE HOW.

  • Under certain special circumstances, concessions could be offered. Please discuss with Amy when making appointments.


Consultation Fee

$230 per session

Both face-to-face and Telehealth sessions are approximately 50-55 minutes.

You may be eligible for rebate. See more details about Rebate.

See more about Telehealth.

Rebates Procedure

More about Rebates

Medicare provides a rebate for psychological therapy with a clinical psychologist for up to 10 session in each calendar year.

In order to receive this rebate,
1) Get referral from your GP / psychiatrist for psychological services under a valid Mental Health Care Plan. 
2) Make appointments with your clinical psychologist. You can request for an appointment with me
3) After the first six consultations, the clinical psychologist will write to the referring doctor providing a summary of assessment, treatment and progress as per Medicare requirements. The referring doctor will then see the client for a review (Mental Health Care Review) and to recommend further consultations if appropriate.

For further information, please visit the Medicare website:

Net Cost after Rebates
Currently (as of 1 Nov 2023), Medicare provides a rebate of $137.05 per session for services from a clinical psychologist. This means that the net cost to you is*:

Out of pocket: $92.95 per session

To claim
Once you have paid for the consultation, your Medicare rebate claim can be submitted to Medicare. Your clinical psychologist can submit your claim on your behalf if your Medicare card number and bank account details are provided.
You could also choose to submit the claim yourself through Medicare with the invoice provided once you have paid for the consultation.
Rebates are usually deposited into your nominated bank account by Medicare the next business day. 
Private Insurance Funds
Some private insurance funds also provide rebates for psychological service. Generally speaking, Medicare rebates are usually higher than private fund rebates. Please check with your private fund for more information.
You cannot use both rebates at the same time, which means you should make a claim either through Medicare or your private health fund provider.
Additional 10
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